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Vacu Activ Body Shape 0 Vacu Activ Body Shape 1 Vacu Activ Body Shape 2 Vacu Activ Body Shape 3
Dodano 2023-10-23 05:41
Koniec 2024-01-21 05:41
Innovative underpressure vacu treadmill
Welcome to the future of fitness, where multi-disciplinary workouts do double and triple duty from the ground up, starting with the Bodyshape treadmill machine. An innovative fitness device that fuses cardio with skincare benefits. Closed capsule with a built-in treadmill (optionally with a stepper or a bicycle), in which the training is supported by infrared heating therapy, under pressure vacuum and other functions increasing the effectiveness of exercises, encouraging weight loss and cellulite reduction. Modernist look, intuitive operation, innovative technology – these features make Bodyshape give a completely new quality to slimming training.

More information : a.chuchla@vacuactiv.com
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