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Cryosauna for cryotherapy treatment - Vacu Activ  0 Cryosauna for cryotherapy treatment - Vacu Activ  1 Cryosauna for cryotherapy treatment - Vacu Activ  2
Dodano 2023-11-27 06:37
Koniec 2024-01-26 06:37
Activ Cryo V2 is a cryosauna for cryotherapy treatment which exposes the body to extremely low temperatures for several minute by using advanced method of liquid nitrogen cryo technology.
Efficient therapy in low temperatures
According to scientific and medical research, the optimum efficiency of whole body cryotherapy procedures, is achieved once the body is exposed to temperatures up to -120-170°C (-184-280F) for a 1-3 minutes, reducing the skin’s surface temperature.
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